Monday, November 28, 2011

Michigan vs Ohio State Game

This was the highlight of my weekend. Michigan beat Ohio State. The refs were really bad in this game and frustrated me a lot. Both defenses played really bad but in the end Michigan came out on top. Denard threw for 2 touchdowns and ran for 3 touchdowns. If Michigan would of lost I would of been in a bad mood and hated every Ohio State fan.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Turkey Day

For turkey day I'm going up into the Upper Peninsula. We're going to go visit some of my aunts family up there. Its an 8 hour drive with 5 people crammed into one car. We're going to be there for the entire weekend. Everyone has to to bring food so i think there's going be a ton of food. I'm only excited for that because I love to eat a lot.

Monday, November 14, 2011

National Peanut Butter Lovers Month

This month is National Peanut Butter Lover Month. People who love peanut butter get their own month. I've never heard of this before and i don't understand why they need a month for people who love peanut butter. I like peanut butter but i don't think they really need a entire month for people who love peanut butter. I could understand if there was like a peanut butter lover day on the day that peanut butter was created but not an entire month. I see no point in an entire month.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My Favorite Halloween Costume That I Ever Wore

My favorite Halloween costume was last year. I figured I was to old to go trick or treating but at the last minute me and my friend Noel decided to do it. We decided it would be easy to be nerds. We put on sweat pants and tucked in our shirts and pull up the sweat pants. We put on some nerdy glasses and put kick me on our back. We also put a calculator in our front pocket and had toilet paper sticking out our shoes.